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Personal Brand and PR


Personal brand and PR

We recommend that all key persons in your business should focus on their personal brand. There are a number of reasons why personal branding is so important to your business but most important is the fact that people buy from people, and it can help set you apart from other businesses, particularly faceless ones.

If you were asked to name one owner of an international airline, chances are that you would name Virgin. Why? Because Richard Branson has established a strong personal brand for his entrepreneurial heritage, strong values and huge ambition. Many customers trust Branson because they resonate with what he stands for. 

At The Retail Champion, our team of experts can work with prominent individuals within your business to build and manage their personal brands and public relations (PR) efforts to ensure that the image created is a positive one that speaks to the values, beliefs and passions of your target audience.

We can assist in the following areas:


Personal Brand Strategy

We will work with each individual to define their unique value proposition, target audience and where they want to be positioned within their industry or field.  We will help you to identify your personal strengths, expertise and your personal story to create an authentic personal brand that your audience can identify with and aspire to be like.


Brand Messaging and Communication

Our team can help you to create messaging that is both clear and will have a strong impact on your target audience. We will refine your elevator pitch, biography and key messages to guarantee consistency across all channels including social media profiles, websites and professional networking platforms.


Online Presence

We can help you to optimise your online presence so that it aligns with your personal brand; this includes your social media profiles, personal websites and blogs. Along with setting up professional profiles, we can also assist you in the curation of content that showcases your expertise, thought leadership and insights relating to industry news.


Our team of content creators can create pieces that will enhance your credibility, such as:

  • Articles

  • Blog Posts

  • Opinion Pieces


Media Relations and PR Outreach

On your behalf, we can handle all aspects of media relations and PR outreach, by identifying which media outlets, journalists and influencers would be the best for you to work with. We will manage any necessary introductions and pitch story ideas to generate media coverage. 

We can assist you in the production of press releases, and help you to get ready for media interviews (particularly what to say and how to manage difficult situations). We can also guide you through crisis communications to ensure that you remain professional at the most important times when how you project yourself is at its most crucial.


Reputation Management

Our team can help your business to enhance and manage your reputation online, by monitoring online reviews, social media mentions and any feedback about individuals. We can assist you in the best methods for addressing any negative or misleading information that could be damaging to your reputation. 

We can also offer guidance on how to gain positive online reviews that will help to build your company’s credibility and trust.


Networking and Partnership Opportunities

We can help your business to identify networking opportunities and strategic partnerships that align with your personal brand and professional goals. Our team can introduce you to the right people and suggest industry events, conferences and even professional associations that would be beneficial for your business to be a part of.


Performance Tracking and Evaluation

We can fully track and evaluate your personal branding and PR efforts, to determine how effective your work has been so far. We can monitor your online visibility, social media engagement and audience reach, to fully analyse what has worked for you so far, and what hasn’t. We would then use this information to help you to learn and constantly adapt your approach to match trends.

Do you need help with your Personal Brand and PR? Get in touch with our team today, for a chat.

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